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Wisdom Tooth Removal Treatment

Wisdom teeth are the third molar teeth which are present at the end of each of quadrant of the dentition. It is usually the last teeth to erupt in the mouth of an individual. But not every individual has wisdom teeth. Some individuals have not even one wisdom tooth, and some individuals have all four wisdom teeth present in their mouth. Wisdom teeth need to be removed in some instances. One of the most common cases in which wisdom tooth extraction is recommended to patients is that of an angled eruption of the teeth. Here, it erupts in an angle instead of parallel direction to that of the adjacent teeth. This leads to increased pain and difficulty in maintaining the oral hygiene in the respective area. Also, wisdom tooth removal is recommended in case of pericoronitis which occurs around wisdom teeth when there is a lack of adequate space for wisdom teeth to erupt in the oral cavity.

For ore details please contact us at +919818791850

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